"Success comes when the opportunity meets the preparation"
Cit. ZIG ZIGLARConsultancy and services
Unindustria Servizi risponde alle richieste delle aziende offrendo consulenza e servizi a valore aggiunto che mirano a rendere più efficienti le principali funzioni aziendali.
The FIRST STEP to face a process of internationalization, is to accept from the beginning a transformation of its business processes that affects all aspects (financial, organizational, legaland strategic) with in its reality.
Unindustria assists you to tell you WHAT you can sell and WHERE..
We carry out an initial company check-up, which provides information on potentially explorable markets.
We help you to create a catalogue according to the chosen market.
We structure the website, offering support in the choice of suitable information material, and e-commerce platforms.
We provide interpreting services.
We indicate financing channels and guarantees that can be activated (SACE and SIMEST).
Unindustria è accreditata presso il MISE per la fornitura di voucher per l'internazionalizzazione, spendibili per ottenere un TEM (Temporary Export Manager) in azienda.
- management of employment, from the establishment to termination;
- hiring tax incentives;
- job placement assistance;
- advice on payrolls and contributions;
- labour disputes;
- trade union conciliation;
- social shock absorbers;
- management and labour aspects of company organization;
- second-level bargaining;
- rappresentanza e assistenza nell’ambito della commissione per le conciliazioni costituita presso l’Ispettorato Territoriale del Lavoro;
- rappresentanza presso il Comitato Provinciale INPS, il Comitato Consultivo INAIL, la Commissione regionale del lavoro.
- free audit for demographic, wage and personnel costs analysis;
- proposal of a personalized welfare plan;
- setting up the adopted welfare plan, which can be customized for each company;
- supporto alla divulgazione e comunicazione del piano di welfare alla popolazione dipendente della singola azienda;
- welfare plan management support.
- adopt a privacy management system, which allows the company to monitor processed data through internal audits;
- draft GDPR documentation, in compliance with the legal requirements;
- implement the work plan;
- identify an external DPO (Data Protection Officer) with advisory and managerial tasks;
- organize refresher courses on the new European General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR EU 2016/679.
- supporta le aziende nella gestione degli adempimenti previsti dal Testo Unico sulla Sicurezza (D.Lgs.81/2008) e della normativa collegata (es. prevenzione incendi, formazione ed informazione, monitoraggi e rilievi, sistemi di gestione e modelli organizzativi, etc.);
- provides assistance in the field of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), safety and health in the workplace;
- nell’ambito dei rapporti con gli enti preposti (INAIL, INPS), organizza percorsi informativi/formativi, fornisce assistenza qualificata per la partecipazione a bandi e per usufruire degli sgravi contributivi INAIL.
- assistance for matters concerning environmental authorizations [AIA (Environmental Integrated Authorization), VIA (Environmental Impact Assessment), VAS (Strategic Environmental Assessment), etc.];
- sampling and analysis for atmospheric emissions, waste waters, and solid wastes;
- waste classification and management;
- assistance on management and auditing systems (UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 14001 ..);
Every year, Unindustria organizes an electricity-purchasing group, aggregando consumi per ottenere prezzi e condizioni di vantaggio. La forza contrattuale degli aderenti al gruppo, unita al supporto tecnico di Unindustria, consentono di ottimizzare le forniture, garantendo l'ottenimento del miglior contratto possibile.
Unindustria support is not limited to choosing the best offer;it is also involved in the supply and any problems related to it.
Thanks to its direct contacts, Unindustria can solve problems related to short interruptions and broader network problems.
Energia GDA Dati Kwh acquistati – numero aziende aderentiKWH ACQUISTATI 2009 -2019 | AZIENDE | |
2009 | 5.778.444 | 15 |
2010 | 13.639.322 | 16 |
2011 | 17.134.551 | 23 |
2012 | 22.315.193 | 26 |
2013 | 18.515.193 | 24 |
2014 | 13.113.367 | 17 |
2015 | 11.575.654 | 17 |
2016 | 10.970.985 | 19 |
2017 | 9.635.567 | 22 |
2018 | 7.815.263 | 22 |
2019 | 18.341.678 | 27 |